26 Mayıs 2019 Pazar

QR Code

Hi again,

QR codes are getting more and more popular day by day. They are really helpful to get people's attention.

They are really common as they can be used in every field. Also, creating and designing QR codes  is easy.

As it makes children curious and teenagers excited (because of the use of technology), I think about using them in my future classes.

Here is my QR code for you:

14 Mayıs 2019 Salı

Examples from Japanese Culture

Nearpod is a really good platform that provides interactive presentations, collaboration and real-time assessment tools into one integrated solution.

I designed a very basic presentation about Japanese Culture. I believe that any type of representation that helps us visualise things would be really helpful especially when we want to talk about cultural items in our English classes.

I thought that after showing my presentation and giving primary information about every statement and showing pictures, it would be really cool to talk with students about cultural differences or similarities, the most interesting or weirdest things etc. This activity would be a really nice speaking activity.

Evolution of the World Wide Web


Sutori is a collaborative presentation tool for the classroom for all age groups and content areas. It porvides the ideal canvas for assignments and lesson plans.

I prepared a material about the evolution of the world wide web using Sutori.

12 Mayıs 2019 Pazar

Interactive Image

Thinglink lets you to create interactive images, videos or 360° Images. I quite liked the idea of creating and using interactive images, it reminded me of 'mapping' technique.

What I like about these interactive images is you are able to link anything you want; another image, video, sound, a text, a website...

I prepared an interactive image for the book 'Lord of the Flies'. It shows some basic facts about the book. 

I think this kind of things can be adapted to any topic so they will be really useful for every field. 

I also think that this interactive images would be really interesting for the students, as you show only one material but you got more than it is.

Lifelong Learning

After I got my certificate from my online course, I wanted to share some information and my ideas with you about online courses.

First of all, here is my certificate. Nowadays, I'm interested in French and I would like to learn it, so this online course was a great beginning for me!

There are numerous free or paid online courses from many universities, lecturer or experts from different fields so I believe this courses are a great source for many different areas.

Also, online courses support learner autonomy as they provide materials and you decide other things, like when to study or how to study.

Following online courses is an amazing thing to do for having the habit of lifelong learning.

Here are some websites that provide online courses, you can have a look at them:

The Use of Video Games in Language Classes

Some parents are worried about online gaming as they think their children might become addicted or their socialisation might be affected in a negative way however in today's world, gaming is an important technique that needs to  be developed and used more frequently in classes. Online gaming or video games can be considered as a really helpful 'educational tool' as students are excited about everything that is related to technology, even interactive whiteboards and tablets.

Let's mention the benefits of games/video games:
First of all, it is really easy to access games with various electronic devices: smart phones, computers, tablets..
Secondly, there are some games that are played by multiplayer so the classroom population won't be a problem if you choose games as your class material.
Thirdly, games/video games helps the teacher when it comes to creating both a stress-free and competition environment at the same time. It's clear that learning is easy in stress-free environments and controlled competitions support being successful.
Fourthly, games/video games are especially beneficial for students with short attention spans.
And finally, games/video games provide learning outside of the classroom without student being aware of it, as they don't think they are studying.

The most important thing to say is games/video games are authentic and supports creativity, it is obvious that the students will find them fun and motivating!

3 Mayıs 2019 Cuma

Word Classes of English

MindMeister is an online mind mapping tool. It is mostly used for mind mapping, brainstorming, note taking and planning tasks.

I created a mind map using Mindmeister which is about the word classes in English. I believe that it would be helpful in the beginning of ELT courses such as grammar, linguistics etc. You can see it below:

QR Code

Hi again, QR codes are getting more and more popular day by day. They are really helpful to get people's attention. They are really ...